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Interesting Maps

This page contains a list of maps that I think are intersting.

Name Link Description
Electricity Maps https://app.electricitymaps.com/map Displays a world map and how carbon intensive each countries energy supply is. The map shows some interconnects and highlights the carbon intensity of the import or export of energy.
British Placename Mapper https://placenames.rtwilson.com/ A map of Britain which lets you specify a string and it will match it with place names in Britain. It's interesting to see how specific place names are regional.
GPS Jam https://gpsjam.org/ This map shows regions of the world where GPS jamming is being used. This takes data from ADS-B data broadcast from planes, where each plane broadcasts its GPS accuracy.
Cell Mapper https://www.cellmapper.net Cell Mapper is a crowd sourced map of mobile (cellular) reception across different mobile networks. Users run the app to plot the signal strength of nearby masts, and this data is then mapped over Open Street Maps.
McCheapest https://pantryandlarder.com/mccheapest This map from Pantry And Larder shows the cost of a Big Mac in each McDonalds resturant in the USA. Pantry and Larder have many similar maps.